This week was kind of not good. Arnav and me were working on the basics of the android app. We mostly ended up doing the same work but with the experience he has he finished first and committed his code a bit earlier than me, so I ended up committing very less code to the repo. But then we collaborated and sorted things out.

Before starting this app I was working on the Ots15 and the Re:publica apps which are forked from the Fossasia companion. We couldn’t make the re:publica app perfect due to shortage of time but we did justice to the Ots app. We tested it as well in a beta version before releasing it to app store.

Moving on, this week was mostly about data download from the basic orga server Rafal had created. I had Volley in mind for all the networking tasks but Mohit suggested that we use a combination of retrofit and okhttp as it would be more efficient but as far as I read I gathered that this combo would be best for RESTful services and Volley with OkHttpstack would be the best combination for downloading Json data and images. I had a discussion with Arnav as well about this. He also supported me as he read somewhere that Volley was going to be a part of AOSP in the near future and it would be supported by Google. Moreover it is also being used in apps such as the play store and works awesome there.

So, in conclusion I decided to use Volley and started working on it.