I am probably a bit late posting this but anyways. So, we had our midterm evaluations. Now I am getting the feeling that time has actually has flown by. I mean we are already finished with our mid terms. It feels like yesterday when we started working and now we’re half way through already.

But I must say that it has been really lovely working with such awesome people. We are working really nicely as a team. The project that we’re doing ‘Open-Event’ is also going to help so many organisers. It would take away so much burden off of the organisers head. I mean the biggest worry for the organiser is to get the info about the event to the people and get them excited through the medium of the apps like the web-app and the android app and the pain of finding a developer who is worthy enough and then pay a lot to get the app ready in time. All of this is taken care off by our project. It’s cool, right?

Anyway, We have already done the basic stuff in the app and made it operational but yeah now I am working on some other necessary stuff like notifications, bookmarks etc. and Rafal is working on login and stuff to keep the editing rights with the owner only. Arnav is also working on the UI of the app and he has made the app totally on material UI using Bootstrap material. So has rafal on the server frontend.

All of us also had a hangouts call to discuss the future of the project and how we’re going to proceed. Unfortunately rafal couldn’t make it. We discussed about how we’re going to get ready for the final events. So the conclusion was to get 3 environments ready : Staging, production and development, So that we can develop cool new features without harming the work that has been accomplished. So this will be like keeping an alpha, beta and stable version for the server.

At the end I must say that I have learned a lot as well as enjoyed by working on this project and I am sure that ther’s a lot of learning to do in the future as well. Adios !!